Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) are rechargeable
batteries that can save you a lot of money ! NiMH's work
great in the Pilot and can save you from constantly
buying more batteries... I think they are one of the best
things to happen to the Pilot & use them myself ! NiMH
memory effect ! - NiMH's do not develop a
'memory' like NiCad rechargeable batteries. The memory
effect is when a rechargeable battery is recharged before
its power is fully depleated. Over time, the battery will
suddenly require charging much sooner than before. An
example of this can be seen with cordless phones. If you
always put it back in the cradle after a short time of
use, it will not last for long periods of time even
though it seems to be fully charged !
500-1,000 times ! - NiCad batteries seem to stop
holding a charge after a while. They just don't last too
long. Alkaline batteries must be thrown away or hopefully
recycled when depleated. But NiMH's can be recharged
many, many times. From 500 to 1,000 times under optimal
conditions !
! - NiMH's are inexpensive, about $2.50 for a
AAA cell. This becomes very inexpensive when you factor
in how many times you can recharge the battery. It's like
getting 1,000 alkaline batteries for $2.50 !
in standard cells ! - NiMH batteries became
popular with laptops and digital cameras. But you won't
see standard cells (AA, AAA, C) in the super market or
drug store. This is because the big battery companies
don't want you to stop buying their disposable batteries.
Their existance has been pretty well 'hushed up' in the
US. Even products that are sold with NiMH batteries
mislead us into beleiving that the battery life is more
because of their products advanced circuitry rather than
the batteries themselves ! But standard cells are
produced in other contries (mostly Japan) and imported to
the US !
to get yours ! - I have tested the NEXcell
batteries and the MAHA MH-C204F 'Smart' charger from Thomas Distributing. I like the GP batteries better...they just
seem to last longer for me. Thomas Distributing has AAA
cells for your PalmPilot as well as the special chargers
needed. A NiCad charger will not work. You must get a
NiMH charger which runs about $27. Check out their
website for pricing, item numbers, online
ordering, etc.
Radio Shack also sells the batteries and a charger but
their prices are not as low as online vendors.
for using NiMH's:
I am not an expert, but I
have been using the NiMH's in my Pilots for a while now.
Here are some tips that I can offer:
two sets of NiMH's - (ie 4 AAA cells) so that
you can have one set in use and one set ready to go!
pairs and keep them together - It seems to work
best to pair off the NiMH's when you first get them, and
then don't mix them up. When you first get them, test
their strength with a battery tester before charging
them. Group cells that have about the same amount of
power before the first charge. Label them with a marker
to keep the sets together. Appearantly, if one NiMH is
stronger than the other, they sort of trade power when
using or charging them, which can decrease their useful
in mind - The AAA NiMH batteries are rated at
1.2 volts while Alkalines are rated at 1.5. Don't worry,
the Pilot works with voltage all the way down to 2.0
volts so a fully-charged pair of NiMH's will run the
Pilot for quite a while, but you will never see the
battery gauge at 100% (3.0 volts).
Warning: Becareful not to let the NiMH's
run down too low. The NiMH batteries seem to give out
very quickly when they get down to about 2.3 volts on the
Pilot, sometimes before the warning dialog box appears !
Replace them we the voltage gets down to the 2.3 - 2.4

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