There are certain things I think every Palm
user should know about. I have found many great add-ons
that I feel are the best of their category. Here are the
links to my favorite add-on hardware and
software... Companion Applications:
- Read a weekly schedule at a glance. Displays
Datebook entries in a fully readable view of 1 or 2 weeks
at a time instead of the shaded graph built into
Datebook. Use in addition to Datebook for the best of
both worlds. Shareware - $15
- Best database application. ThinkDB is a
relational database manager that allows you to create and
edit databases. Powerful, flexible and very easy to use,
ThinkDB has several unique features, such as custom views
with resizable columns and a form designer that lets you
design your own record entry forms. The registered
version includes ThinkDB Desktop for Windows that lets
you view and change data on your PC; it will also convert
CSV files and Access databases into ThinkDB databases.
Shareware - $25
Cell - Great game for the Palm. Just like
Windows game Free Cell. This version is very much like
the original and very fun. Shareware $12
- Great game for the Palm. If you like
word games, this is a great pastime. If you register you
get 1000 more puzzles! Shareware - $12
- Great game for the Palm. This is the classic
card game of Hearts. You compete against three Palm
players. Thanks to Dave Mayes for writing it! Freeware -
1000 - Great game for the Palm. Remember
that French card game Mille Bornes? This is a very fun
and addicting 'road racing' card game! This is definitely
one of my all-time favorites!!! Thanks again to Dave
Mayes for another Freebie! Freeware - $0.
- Best Web browser for the Pilot! ProxiNet has
taken over Top Gun Wingman & is now part of Pumatech. ProxiWeb is
a graphical web browser for the Palm platform. I have not
checked it out in a while, but it did look promising last
time I tried it. It is free, for now, but who knows how
long that will last... Freeware - $0.
Gun Postman - Send & receive internet
e-mail on the Pilot by dialing directly to your
Internet Service Provider (ISP). It is even free thanks
to a couple of nice guys at Berkeley. Freeware - $0.
- Runner Up for best web browser. Surf the web
with your Palm! Palmscape supports frames, tables,
authentication, binary file download, HTML/3.2 Support,
and images! Freeware - $0.
/ Organizer:
- Great outliner application to organize your
information. ThoughtMill allows you to orgainize
information in outline form. It features expanding &
collapsing arrows, drag & drop organization, and
check boxes. The standard Palm is missing an outliner
feature, and ThoughtManager really fills in that gap
quite well! Shareware - $19.95.
OS Emulator - Copilot Officially Supported by
Palm Computing. Palm Computing has taken over the
development of CoPilot and renamed it Palm OS Emulator.
Also, special Debug ROM's are now available from Palm.
See CoPilot below for more info. Freeware - $0.
- A Pilot emulator for the PC. Have a full,
working Pilot on your monitor! Originally intended as
development tool to test out code without having to
transfer it to the Pilot first. Even if you aren't a
developer it is great to test out new software you
download before having to Sync it to your Pilot! A
fantastic emulator. My compliments to Greg Hewgill.
Freeware - $0.
Accout Manager - Great application to store
passwords, pin #'s, etc. Secure access to all your
account information including passwords and pin numbers
for your credit cards, login accounts, personal ID's, etc
on your Palm. It uses a strong encryption algorithm and a
single password that can be entered with graffiti or an
on-screen keyboard. It can automatically lock the data
when turning the Palm off, leaving the application, or
after a user-defined time delay. Now you can access the
account information on your PC using Account Manager -
PC. Shareware - $24.95.
/ Graphics:
Paint - Best sketch pad/drawing application.
Has most needed drawing tools like Line, Circle, Box,
Pen, Eraser, Fill, even Text! Also has much needed tools
like Select, Copy, Paste, and Undo! Has different ink
patterns and line widths. Index view shows small
thumbnails of each of your drawings and a text
description. Great app to store small maps or diagrams.
Shareware - $17.95
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