Guestbook for tptrppp

The Palm Tree - Guestbook
Total: 130 guests
Name: David Schultheis
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Colorado Springs, CO
Time: 2000-02-21 19:15:00
Comments: Need help. I cannot seem to download datebook or todo list. It could have happened either since I changed from Act4.0 to ACT2000! or because it got some moisture in it. How can I determine which?

Name: Roger
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Califoria
Time: 2000-02-13 17:19:00
Comments: New palm pilot user. I have no idea what to say

Name: Jane M. Love
Referred by: ...Word of Mouth
From: New York
Time: 2000-01-25 10:48:00
Comments: I am just getting underway in setting up my palm. I hope to come back to this site once I know a bit more and have specific needs. Thanks

Name: Hasan Lo
Referred by: ...Yahoo
From: Indonesia
Time: 2000-01-18 04:38:00
Comments: Just surf by to check this site for some useful tools

Name: Corné Hoppenbrouwers
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: holland
Time: 2000-01-16 14:57:00
Comments: Great site keep on going ,this make the internet and the palmV better media for the fucure.

Name: Drew Eason
Website: Michigan Dental Association
Referred by: ...I don't know!
From: Okemos, MI
Time: 2000-01-14 21:13:00
Comments: I'm a Palm addict... fun site.

Name: Richard Sappelli
Website: Ridgefield Hobby Store
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Bethlehem,Pa
Time: 1999-12-10 15:38:00
Comments: Very nice - I like the palm trees swaying.

Name: andres Jimenez
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: medellin, colombia
Time: 1999-11-17 16:17:00
Comments: Thanks for the great site and keep up the good work... Are you going to include any HandSpring Visor Stuff?

Name: Mark Reuter
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Costa Mesa, Calif
Time: 1999-11-01 23:25:00
Comments: I'd like info on training seminars for "Punchlist" and "msproject98" using the Palm5x. I'd like some software for creating and editing residential construction change orders and contracts too.

Name: Caryn Sapeli
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Versailles KY
Time: 1999-11-01 19:45:00
Comments: Looks great Rob!

Name: Stewart Holmes
Referred by: ...Yahoo
From: Cambridge UK
Time: 1999-10-16 08:38:00
Comments: I am an ecology student and I am interested in using the Palm111x as a field log sysetem. Some of my work requires a lot of data collecting and this means trecking up and down the roads logging plants. I thought the palm was to the best way to do this. I would like to link the Palm to a GPS, this way, plant I am investegating are linked to the maps and back at base all I have to do is download the data in to in PC. I use Mapmaker pro which is a simple, but powerful GIS.I use the data to plot pollution patterns along motorways.

Name: John Avery
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Belmont, CA
Time: 1999-10-13 16:30:00
Comments: One Stop Shopping is the key word for your site, Read about and bought the Datelist 2.2

Name: Baz Manalo
Website: Baz World
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: 1999-10-06 03:09:00
Comments: Nice page... I found some of the palm links useful.... Anyway, keep up your good work :-)

Name: Ralph La Tella
Website: The 1999 Guide to Medical Applications for handhelds.
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Australia
Time: 1999-09-20 02:10:00
Comments: Great Site!

Name: Mark Williamson
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Adelaide, South Australia
Time: 1999-08-24 00:34:00
Comments: Interesting info on your site - an enjoyable read. Especially good about the rechargeable batteries, which are very popular here in Australia. I have a simple Sharp organiser, the PB-SA1 which is pen based with no keyboard, text only. It is the same form factor as a Palm V, except it is landscape, not portrait I would upgrade to a Palm V except: (a) I have no PC at home; and (b) Palm Vs are very expensive here, at $895 Australian dollars, due to the exchange rate and import duty.

Name: Ska
Referred by: ...I don't know!
Time: 1999-07-23 23:10:00
Comments: It's plain and simple i LOVE palm tree's i think they are the coolest Tree's in the world reallly i do ! I live in New England so Palm's Tree's don't grow here but that didn't stop me from getting one ! Our palm tree is looking Heathy and great ! it's still small but i'm hoping it will turn out to be a great palm tree and let me just say, people who have palm tree's ROCK !!!! YES !!!!

Name: Sharon rankin
Referred by: ...I don't know!
From: TX
Time: 1999-07-15 02:42:00
Comments: My Palm Pilot died--any suggestions??? It will not turn on--even with new batteries. When we attempted a hot-sync, it attempted it, gave a double image print-out on the screen and died. HELP! Sharon Rankin

Name: Richard E. May
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Connecticut
Time: 1999-07-09 07:46:00
Comments: Just starting with a palm pilot. Looking around for what is available to the Palm IIIx

Name: john troll
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
Time: 1999-06-25 10:53:00
Comments: no comment as yet

Name: Jim Miller
Website: n/a
Referred by: ...Lycos
From: Connecticut
Time: 1999-06-21 11:16:00
Comments: Took advantage of the free downloads - especially like the one that listed schedule items. Now if there was one that alllowed giving several categories to people in the address book I would be all set.

Name: Ron DuFrene
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: California
Time: 1999-06-16 12:30:00
Comments: Looking for database software to Link to Access 97 Database

Name: Ann Hyland
Website: Justice For All
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Baltimore, MD
Time: 1999-06-08 23:44:00
Comments: Treated myself with palm for my bday june 5, 99. Amazed at options available. Seek more Mac availability. Open to others suggestions of what works.

Name: John Avery
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Belmont, CA
Time: 1999-06-05 20:20:00
Comments: Just bought my Palm V and love it, now I see the Palm VII is to be released soon, wouldn't ya now it :-(

Name: Daniel Dubro
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: NJ
Time: 1999-06-01 16:13:00

Name: Margaux Lashbrook
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Edinburgh, Scotland
Time: 1999-05-29 04:30:00
Comments: Just bought the PalmV and learning every day. Thanks for the page. I am sure I am going to be a frequent visitor.

Name: Hendrik
Website: Hendrik's Homepage
Referred by: ...I don't know!
From: Gernany
Time: 1999-05-20 11:39:00
Comments: Nice page.

Name: Wally Anglesea
Website: Wally's Brown Bag home page
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Australia
Time: 1999-05-18 01:51:00
Comments: Wonderful site. I've had my Pilot 3x for a month now, and only just begun to tap the net for stuff for it. I had no idea how much there was. Best program (most amazing program) so far: Star Pilot, An Astronomical program for the Pilot. Simply amazing what a pilot can do.

Name: Justin Davis
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Denver, Colorado
Time: 1999-05-14 01:29:00
Comments: If I didn't have my Pilot, it would be like flying a plane without wings

Name: Mikhail B.
Website: Gerald Durrell/Zooplankton Photos
Referred by: ...I don't know!
From: New York City, USA
Time: 1999-05-10 17:43:00
Comments: You have a great site. I was just looking for a "general information" site about P3x that covers a whole range of topics but not too deeply, like a starting point. I just ordered the PIIIx from and I am waiting for it to arrive. Thanks for your site, I know how much work and time it takes to keep even a much smaller site up and running.

Name: Luis Sergio Saini Elias
Referred by: Visionary 2000
From: Brazil
Time: 1999-05-05 08:45:00
Comments: I like your site. Thanks for your care...

Name: Scott Klein
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Green Bay WI
Time: 1999-04-28 13:31:00
Comments: Looking for a solution of com ports disappearing on desktop units with the palm pilot on it

Name: Henk Bakker
Referred by: PalmPilot Entertainment Zone.
From: Netherlands
Time: 1999-04-28 07:41:00
Comments: No comments, Great page,

Name: Steve Gerstman
Referred by: ...Word of Mouth
From: The Office
Time: 1999-04-21 16:42:00
Comments: Hi Rob

Name: CS Palmann
Referred by: ...Yahoo
Time: 1999-04-20 17:03:00
Comments: Looks good to me will addd to this later

Name: Bruno
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Montreal
Time: 1999-04-18 17:50:00
Comments: I have just ordered my Palm V I like everything except that there is only 2 megs available. If you hear of some up-grade of memory...

Name: J. W. Boyles
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: OK
Time: 1999-04-13 21:54:00
Comments: I am new to palm computing. I have searched for reviews comparing the ease of learning and operation of Palm Pilots/III's and H/PC w/WinCE. Have been unable to locate. Any suggestions. Am interested in purchasing but have a very low learning frustration level. Have narrowed my selection down to Casio E-11 or Pilot IIIx. I realize this is a Pilot site with much bias. How about some real facts, maybe former users of either OS. Convince me.

Name: clifford cuellar
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: washington state
Time: 1999-04-12 01:03:00
Comments: just browsing

Name: Donna
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: NYC
Time: 1999-04-04 11:23:00
Comments: I love my Palm III !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Bruce
Referred by: ...Yahoo
From: Santa Clara, CA
Time: 1999-04-02 14:13:00
Comments: Great website! I've bookmarked it as a place to come whenever I need Palm info... Keep up the good work!

Name: Rich Carey
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: where ever I am at.....(Korea, right now)
Time: 1999-04-01 21:09:00
Comments: I like my Palm...... :o)

Name: Bill Gibson
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Portland, Oregon
Time: 1999-03-31 21:07:00
Comments: Thanks

Name: Jack Nelson
Referred by: ...Yahoo
From: Atlanta, Ga
Time: 1999-03-31 17:48:00
Comments: I just found your site. Hope to find a source for the pilot that will be cheaper than local vendors.

Name: Rick
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Illinois
Time: 1999-03-26 13:29:00
Comments: Just ordered my first palm IIIx and was doing some homework on how-to's and what software I may want to add or look into.

Name: justin teal
Referred by: ...Lycos
From: atlanta
Time: 1999-03-24 21:03:00
Comments: ?

Name: John H. Rosenhamer
Website: OKCCC Library
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Oklahoma City, Ok
Time: 1999-03-10 14:54:00
Comments: Takes a long time to load this guestbook page. Love the Palm

Name: Art Graham
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Plymouth, Minnesota
Time: 1999-03-05 18:13:00
Comments: I love the look of your page. Very colorful and the corner of the Palm is a great touch. Keep up the good work!

Name: Sylvain Brunet
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Canada
Time: 1999-03-04 14:55:00
Comments: Looking for ways to improve my Palm' UI...

Name: John McGrann
Referred by: ...I don't know!
From: Lancaster, PA
Time: 1999-02-27 16:12:00
Comments: Just received a Palm Pilot Professional as a gift, and am looking around to find out if I should just skip it and go right to a Palm III, esp. because I will use it w/ Outlook 98, and I guess the Palm III comes with Pocket Mirror.

Name: Ricardo Erse M. Mendes
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
Time: 1999-02-15 01:44:00
Comments: You got a nice H.P. ! Full of great stuff ! Se Ya

Name: DanielWeeks
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
Time: 1999-01-22 21:03:00
Comments: this site is attractive and works well!

Name: Shawn Stone
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
Time: 1999-01-19 20:31:00
Comments: I think this is a great Web page good design. I also had a question, is it possible with a Palm III to cut & paste from the address app to the datebook app similar to the way ACT! does.

Name: Thomas H. Loney 3rd
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Vallejo, CA
Time: 1999-01-18 17:46:00
Comments: A great site, neat and easy to use.What great programs. I use Applist and will keep it in my tool box along with DateList. I load a lot of my own docs on the Palm3. When I removed a doc reader and it took all the docs with it. I found out how valuable AppList was. To be without DateList, would be like trying to use my Palm3 without a stylist. A great program at a fantastic price! Keep up the good work.

Name: steven applebaum
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: pa
Time: 1999-01-17 10:52:00
Comments: Nice site.

Name: Adam
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: California
Time: 1999-01-12 13:03:00
Comments: I really enjoy looking at your site. I go there at least twice a week. Keep up the great work! Adam

Name: John Gschwind
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Lansing, Michigan
Time: 1999-01-03 02:14:00
Comments: Nice place. Good programs. Have you ever considered making a program that would increase the existing list of the expence program that comes with the palm3? What would be fantastic would be if the program could be customized, so one could create thir own expence type. Please respond and let me know what you think. If you know an existing program that can already do what I have suggested please let me know where I could find it. Thank you Sincerely; JOHN GSCHWIND

Name: Chris Kunselman
Referred by: ...Lycos
From: Pittsburgh, PA
Time: 1998-12-30 14:24:00
Comments: Useful site

Name: Ken Rolsen
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Hudson, OH (Cleveland, OH)
Time: 1998-12-27 17:00:00
Comments: Cool site. I will pass it on to my friends.

Name: Matt Schultz
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: St.Louis MO
Time: 1998-12-25 12:17:00
Comments: I have saved I am looking forward to utilizing it's more global functions than the standard PalmIII. How do I send you the $5.00?

Name: Mary G. Wilson
Referred by: ...Word of Mouth
From: New Jersey
Time: 1998-12-17 17:07:00
Comments: Rob-Your new page looks great. How clever to make it look like a Palm Pilot! I'm going to tell all my Pilot friends about your site. By the way, DateList is fabulous! I don't know how I got by without it. Mary G. Wilson

Name: Carlos Correa Goncalves
Website: Lasa Informatica
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Brazil
Time: 1998-12-14 12:42:00
Comments: I'm a Computer Scientist holding a small software house at Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. I have just acquired an Palm Pilot Professional for my wife (an physical therapist) and I have a lot of good surprises with it. Now I'm going to learn something about development for the platform. You'll heard about me...

Name: George Chmilewsky
Referred by: Ray's PalmPilot Software Archive
From: Garfield NJ
Time: 1998-12-08 17:03:00
Comments: Found site before but url sent with my datelist upgrade. Will check out to see if my neighbors are pilot freaks.

Name: Stveve Zeoli
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Fair Lawn NJ
Time: 1998-11-25 09:00:00
Comments: What a class site!! Rob, Thanks for taking the time and interest in providing this outstanding resource. You have made a great contribution. Steve Z

Name: Michael T. Ashby
Website: The Kansas City Palm Users Group
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Time: 1998-11-16 23:17:00
Comments: I love the site. It's well designed and easy to navigate. This place is a HUGE resource for the Pilot! Keep up the good work.

Name: William R. Jarvis
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Winston-Salem, NC
Time: 1998-10-11 08:27:00
Comments: Just got my Palm III and was looking for some applications. Very nice web site, I found a lot here.

Name: Robby
Website: Suzuki Bug
Referred by: ...Word of Mouth
From: Puerto Rico/Scotland
Time: 1998-10-03 21:21:00
Comments: From PDA-sceptic to PDA-convert in one week. Not bad, 3Com!! Am I the only user whose writing area is becoming scratched from extensive use? Any remedies, anyone?

Name: Shawn Walker
Website: n/a
Referred by: Ray's PalmPilot Software Archive
From: Orlando, Fl
Time: 1998-10-01 06:15:00
Comments: Looking to find new ways to use the pilot, dialing phone numbers, and a pop up calculator

Name: Don Wilbanks
Referred by: Ray's PalmPilot Software Archive
From: New Orleans, LA
Time: 1998-09-08 23:54:00
Comments: I found my PalmPilot Pro at a place in Scottwboro, AL (45 miles east of Huntsville) called "Unclaimed Baggage". They sell stuff passengers leave on airliners. When the airlines can't find the owner, it goes there. I paid all of $135 for the Pilot & cradle! Truly a deal I couldn't refuse. Check out "Unclaimed Baggage" on the web at Well worth the trip if you're in northern Alabama.

Name: julia
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
Time: 1998-08-22 19:10:00
Comments: Great Web Page with lots of good information and downloads. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to visit your homepage. JDWYRICK1@aol

Name: Michael Willems
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Oakville, Ont.
Time: 1998-08-07 20:48:00
Comments: Hey, neat site, dedicated to a neat machine.

Name: Cameron
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Salem NH
Time: 1998-07-25 18:26:00
Comments: Cool site this page just realy gave me another reason to get one! The only problem is I'm a 9 year old. Wich means I HAVE NO MONEY!!!!! Even at their low prices i still can't afford em' the least expencive is 200$ I have 2$. Well I had 89$ untill I got my printer

Name: Mary Onorato
Referred by: ...Word of Mouth
From: Oakland, New Jersey
Time: 1998-07-23 14:57:00
Comments: I just got a Palm Pilot for my birthday. I love it and I love your site. It was so helpful. Thanks Rob!

Name: JABES Marc
Referred by: Ray's PalmPilot Software Archive
From: Paris, FRANCE
Time: 1998-07-23 05:34:00
Comments: I'm glad to find a place where I can congratulate this URL, it provided me a lot of info on the Pilot 5000 which I have now for about 2 years. Glad too that this technology is spreading out so that new apps are developped. Wish ther could be more French software. Best regards to all the team. Marc.

Name: David Ruff
Referred by: Concept Kitchen
From: Plano, Texas
Time: 1998-06-28 20:20:00
Comments: Well organized web site. Neet and Clean.

Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
Time: 1998-06-27 11:35:00
Comments: NICE SITE

Name: Sha
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Hong Kong
Time: 1998-06-07 05:55:00
Comments: I am impressed with the AppList! It is a very useful little application! It doesn't contribute to the actual effort of work, but instead helps to organize my own PDA!

Name: Paul Kong
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Melbourne/Australia
Time: 1998-06-02 12:15:00
Comments: This is a very cool site. I'll be recommending this to all the other Palm Pilot users I know.

Name: howard kapustein
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: PA
Time: 1998-05-31 19:35:00
Comments: >If there is enough interest in this program, I will release future versions that allow you to scroll through all >databases, in size order... Yes, please.

Name: Ron Cooper
Website: Cabletron Systems, Inc.
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Knoxville, Tennessee USA
Time: 1998-05-29 07:50:00
Comments: Nowhere without my Pilot

Name: Tom Murphy
Website: Business Pacific Ltd.
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Hong Kong
Time: 1998-04-22 20:43:00
Comments: One of the best collections of Pilot resources and informations I found on the Web Ring. Thanks.

Name: Michael Graubart
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Virginia
Time: 1998-04-18 13:26:00
Comments: Excellent!!!!

Name: Christian Oliff
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Leicester, England, U.K.
Time: 1998-04-14 09:17:00
Comments: Nice site. Anyone got a Palm 3 yet? Are they on sale. I want one!

Name: Patrick J. Eleam
Website: Well-Being Incorporated
Referred by: Ray's PalmPilot Software Archive
From: Bend, Oregon
Time: 1998-04-08 02:54:00
Comments: I think this is great, and I love my new palm pilot, I would love to learn how to utilize it to its highest capacity

Name: Rex Alfes
Website: Personal Home Page
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Morrisville, PA
Time: 1998-04-06 08:59:00
Comments: Pilot user & Developer.

Name: Mark A. Boone
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Boston
Time: 1998-04-03 14:51:00
Comments: Looks Good

Name: George Ruehling
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
Time: 1998-03-31 11:14:00
Comments: A great page. Thanks!

Name: Jeffrey William Megown
Website: Jeff's Web Page
Referred by: Ray's PalmPilot Software Archive
From: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Time: 1998-03-30 15:41:00
Comments: Great Site.

Name: John G. Walker
Referred by: Concept Kitchen
From: Prescott, AZ
Time: 1998-03-28 12:42:00
Comments: I've just started to fly and appreciate all of your information. Trust me, I'll be back. Thanks for all of your work.

Name: drs. Hans Luyten
Website: Hansies Homepage
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Netherlands
Time: 1998-03-27 17:38:00
Comments: Can't you make something like a single zip-file containing images etc. of the PalmPilot,... something like a beginners-kit for building a PalmPilot-supporter-web-page ?

Name: Zaidin Stothard
Referred by: Concept Kitchen
From: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Time: 1998-03-11 13:53:00
Comments: Congratulations on a wonderful, resourceful and entertaining site. I will definately be back soon. Best Regards, Z. Stothard, Malaysian Piloteer.

Name: Nazario P. Velasco
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Mexico
Time: 1998-03-10 23:53:00
Comments: Congratulation for this page, is a great idea for a Pilot users Hasta la vista baby

Name: Mel Macy
Website: Boca Raton Computer Society
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Florida
Time: 1998-03-05 21:24:00
Comments: Neat page...I like it!

Name: Jim Donohue
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
Time: 1998-03-02 08:05:00
Comments: Very well done site.

Name: Jose Luis Martinez Cadena
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Mexico
Time: 1998-02-23 19:26:00
Comments: Here in Monterrey, MEXICO, there are many people working with a Palm Pilot. In the office are more than 12 people that are using Palm Pilots. By the way, I don't see the MEXICO flag in the Pilot Sightings Section. Your Page is Excelent, and very useful. Best Regards, Jose Luis.

Name: Sean Austin
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Atlanta, GA
Time: 1998-02-23 09:30:00
Comments: First time in. New Palm Pro owner. I'll be back.

Name: Asher Green
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Canada
Time: 1998-02-22 12:10:00
Comments: Would like a list of people who own PalmPilots in Toronto... I would like to form a support group.

Name: Rob Beckett
Referred by: ...Lycos
From: Fresno Ca.
Time: 1998-02-18 14:07:00
Comments: Great site. Just got my P.P.thanks, rob

Name: David Foster
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Winfield, Kansas
Time: 1998-01-25 23:51:00
Comments: Palm Pilot is a useful tool. Great Page

Name: Darren Lai HS
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Singapore
Time: 1998-01-23 07:56:00
Comments: Have PalmPilot will travel and don't leave home without it!

Name: Thomas Burnham
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Time: 1998-01-21 00:03:00
Comments: Great page! As for the Favorite Add-Ons, take a look at MultiMail, I find it nicer then the Top Gun mail system.

Name: Mr. Chi Wong
Referred by: ...Alta Vista
From: Wales UK
Time: 1998-01-18 15:43:00
Comments: Everyone should have a PalmPilot!!!!

Name: Gordon B. Whittaker, Jr.
Referred by: PalmPilot Entertainment Zone.
From: Reading, MA
Time: 1998-01-17 09:58:00
Comments: Great Site...although I am getting Java Script Errors!

Name: Bill Huggins
Website: HTML Reference for DOC
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: West Palm Beach, FL
Time: 1998-01-15 20:24:00
Comments: nice site!

Name: David
Website: Personal
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Philippines
Time: 1998-01-15 11:18:00
Comments: Nice page!! you make P-PIlot worht buying and interesting

Name: Garry Lingle
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Lakeland, FL
Time: 1998-01-14 20:37:00
Comments: I'm having problems with character recognition; I get a "u" when I try to "shift" and many other strange things. It seems that the letter area is bad because "space" and "delete" work in the number area. I'm trying to find out what options there are for correcting this. Thanks!

Name: Jack Horner
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: London, UK
Time: 1998-01-14 08:53:00
Comments: Excellent site. I would like to hear from people using Pilot with an Apple...problems and tips...

Name: Jerry Cole
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Jamiaca
Time: 1998-01-07 13:28:00
Comments: Much respect to the designer. As soon as my page is up I'll include all the specials found.

Name: Mike Elliott
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Roswell, Georgia
Time: 1998-01-03 23:31:00
Comments: Nice page, very informative!

Name: Greg Barker
Website: The Royal National College for the Blind
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Worcester, England.UK
Time: 1997-12-17 04:53:00
Comments: Palm Pilot - MMMMMMM!!

Name: Jim McCullum
Website: Winvelope Software Home Page
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Jenkins, KY USA
Time: 1997-12-09 20:59:00
Comments: Just switched from a Zaurus 5800FX to the PalmPilot Pro. I'm very satisfied with the decision so far...this is a good, informative site.

Name: Joel Glenn
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Dallas, Texas
Time: 1997-12-02 12:46:00
Comments: Thanks for the tips.

Name: Soo Jae Lee
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Republic of Korea
Time: 1997-11-30 12:32:00
Comments: Please add my country's flag to your home page.

Name: Thomas Ng
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Hong Kong
Time: 1997-11-29 10:40:00
Comments: Hi, Good work!

Name: Thomas J. Ryan
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
From: Penfield, NY (Near Rochester)
Time: 1997-11-28 13:01:00
Comments: Here's one for your wish list. I'd like to see a 'diary' application, i.e., a simple diary tied to the datebook for tracking activitiy on that day in free-form text. An app on the desktop to store that would be nice, too.

Name: Ivan Dimitroff
Referred by: ...Word of Mouth
From: Bulgaria
Time: 1997-11-27 21:06:00
Comments: I am English teacher and I am very interesting on the Pilot. Please to place my country flag up your web site. Thanks to you very much.

Name: Lou Solomon
Referred by: ...Some other Pilot Site
Time: 1997-11-25 13:49:00
Comments: Great site. Really. BTW, know any way to hookup a keyboard directly to the pilot? Lou

Name: Lee Wilkinson
Website: Peck's Memorial
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Maryville, TN
Time: 1997-11-15 17:04:00
Comments: Enjoyed yet another Palm Pilot site

Name: Jerry Almes
Referred by: Link from other Pilot Site
From: Oil City, PA
Time: 1997-11-12 23:07:00
Comments: Am very interested in finding software that will work between my PalmPilot and our network Lotus Notes or Lotus Notes on my laptop. I replicate my laptop with our network and would like to sync with my PalmPilot.

Name: Brian Ludmer
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Toronto,Ontario
Time: 1997-11-11 15:29:00
Comments: I like the site, and have bookmarked it. It is easy to read. Is it possible to configure the page so that the reader can expand the area in which the data is displayed and compress the top and side borders?

Name: steven black
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: ontario,canada
Time: 1997-11-09 06:27:00
Comments: Just bought one yesterday. Your webpage was a help in making the decision. Many Thanks, Steven Black.

Name: Bron
Website: n/a
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Tucson, Az USA
Time: 1997-11-02 17:42:00
Comments: Great Job...' Keep up the good work I love the Favorite Add-Ons section -bron

Name: Christian Gradolf
Referred by: Palm Pilot Web Ring!
From: Switzerland
Time: 1997-10-31 06:03:00
Comments: One of the best collections of Pilot resources and informations I found on the Web Ring. Thanks. Christian

Name: Harry Ohlsen
Website: Harry O's Home Page
Referred by: Pilot Gear H.Q.
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: 1997-10-27 00:20:00
Comments: Congratulations on your new Pilot web site!

Name: Shigenori Homma
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Singapore
Time: 1997-10-25 11:52:00
Comments: Your site seems so good and cool! (From Singapore, here its so hot !)

Name: Pall Gestsson
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Iceland
Time: 1997-10-25 06:52:00
Comments: I just entered this page and it seems to me an exelent place for piloteers. I have at least 10 og 20 PDA's and Organizers around me since I'm a "Gadget idiot", but I only use one of them and guess what ? ... ; the one and only Pilot Professional. Keep up your good work. pg

Name: David Slade
Referred by: From LinkExchange
From: Dallas TX
Time: 1997-10-25 00:12:00
Comments: Good Site! Thanks ! Dave

Name: Jens Hembach
Website: Yennyman's Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-10-24 18:36:00
Comments: Your site is very cool! Nice design, and very useful contents. What more can I say...

Name: Ola Hedlin
Website: Ola Hedlins Hemsida
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: Linkoping, Sweden
Time: 1997-10-24 16:26:00
Comments: I like your Palm Pilot page so far. Its easy to look at it and its easy to know where I am at your page. I will say that your page is verry nice. /Ola Hedlin

Name: Chris
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Flemington, Victoria, Australia
Time: 1997-10-22 10:00:00
Comments: Just saying hello send me some mail about your self

Name: Cheryl Shephouse
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Mahwah, New Jersey
Time: 1997-10-07 21:47:00
Comments: Thanks Rob for all your tips on the Palm Pilot. My "wishlist" also includes the game of "Hearts."

Name: Ted Lenmont
Website: American Investment Group
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Santa Ana, CA
Time: 1997-10-05 17:55:00
Comments: Nice site. I am pleased to be your first guest to sign!

Total: 130 guests